Courses & Coaching

In-person programmes and coaching

  • One-to-One Coaching

    So many people are living their life on pause, not fully embracing this moment because they are holding onto some block or limiting belief inhibiting living their dreams. I help teens and adults clarify their heart's desire, remove inner blocks that stand in the way and help them to reach their souls potential.

  • Parent & Teen Programmes

    I support parents to stay connected to their teens during challenges as the need for independence arises. Helping them to raise thriving humans and leaving a legacy of love for generations to come!

  • Mindfulness-Based Courses

    Most people experience stress, anxiety, or low mood from time to time. I teach both Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living Courses, which support individuals to connect to their soul, let go of past hurts and live the present moment to the full.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

8-Week Course

Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living

8-Session Course

Let's do this!

Want to work together?