Professional Development

  • Mindfulness & Compassion

    Many organisations are concerned with supporting the wellbeing and mental health needs of their staff. I offer workshops and training in mindfulness and compassion for organisations to support their staff in reducing stress and enhancing their wellbeing.

  • Leadership Development

    Many leaders and organisations struggle to create cohesive teams while meeting the wellbeing and connection needs of their staff. I help to create high-performance teams using team building, mindfulness and leadership training, enabling team members and organisations to thrive.

  • Curriculum Development & Training

    Statutory agencies and the not-for-profit sector often struggle to balance the needs of their clients and their staff. I help by developing tailored needs-led, outcomes-focused and evidence-informed content with training that delivers results for professionals who work with children and families.

  • Leadership & Conflict Resolution

    Developed and delivered female leadership training, unconscious bias training and conflict resolution training for large multinational companies and NGO's.

  • Sexual Violence Prevention & Reporting

    Developed 'The Manuela Programme' as part of a consortium with all Rape Crisis Centres, the Rape Crisis Network Ireland, Tusla. This project then secured funding at European level. Developed Train-the-Trainer for Gardai & Police in Ireland, UK and Belgium for Trauma Sensitive Interviewing of Sexual Violence Victims & Human Trafficking.

  • Youth Leadership & Climate Justice

    Developed Youth Leadership & Community Action programme for NUIG. Developed 'Our Fair Planet' Climate Justice programme for Youth Work Ireland.

  • Child & Youth Participation Strategy

    Developed the National Strategy for Child & Youth Participation and accompanying Culture Change Toolkit and Training for 4,000 staff within Tusla (Irelands, Child & Family Agency).

  • Research

    Research on youth leadership, parenting, domestic violence and homelessness. Education consultant for UNESCO delivered training and research in Africa.

  • New SPHE Curriculum

    New National Junior Certificate curriculum for Social Personal and Health Education focusing on Wellbeing & Mental and Relationships & Sexuality Programme.