Professional Development
Mindfulness & Compassion
Many organisations are concerned with supporting the wellbeing and mental health needs of their staff. I offer workshops and training in mindfulness and compassion for organisations to support their staff in reducing stress and enhancing their wellbeing.
Leadership Development
Many leaders and organisations struggle to create cohesive teams while meeting the wellbeing and connection needs of their staff. I help to create high-performance teams using team building, mindfulness and leadership training, enabling team members and organisations to thrive.
Curriculum Development & Training
Statutory agencies and the not-for-profit sector often struggle to balance the needs of their clients and their staff. I help by developing tailored needs-led, outcomes-focused and evidence-informed content with training that delivers results for professionals who work with children and families.
Leadership & Conflict Resolution
Developed and delivered female leadership training, unconscious bias training and conflict resolution training for large multinational companies and NGO's.
Sexual Violence Prevention & Reporting
Developed 'The Manuela Programme' as part of a consortium with all Rape Crisis Centres, the Rape Crisis Network Ireland, Tusla. This project then secured funding at European level. Developed Train-the-Trainer for Gardai & Police in Ireland, UK and Belgium for Trauma Sensitive Interviewing of Sexual Violence Victims & Human Trafficking.
Youth Leadership & Climate Justice
Developed Youth Leadership & Community Action programme for NUIG. Developed 'Our Fair Planet' Climate Justice programme for Youth Work Ireland.
Child & Youth Participation Strategy
Developed the National Strategy for Child & Youth Participation and accompanying Culture Change Toolkit and Training for 4,000 staff within Tusla (Irelands, Child & Family Agency).
Research on youth leadership, parenting, domestic violence and homelessness. Education consultant for UNESCO delivered training and research in Africa.
New SPHE Curriculum
New National Junior Certificate curriculum for Social Personal and Health Education focusing on Wellbeing & Mental and Relationships & Sexuality Programme.