Soulful Coaching GOLD PACKAGE

Many people find themselves living a life they hadn't fully intended. Feeling that they have meandered unintentionally to where they are, instead of consciously choosing the life they are living. This can lead to frustration, anger, bitterness, apathy or a sense of general dis-ease to name a few. All of which are precipitated by a lack of clarity, a lack of direction, a lack of energy, psychological blocks or limiting beliefs that prevents them from connecting to their personal potential, connecting to their bravery and courage to live the life of their dreams. I help people clarify their heart's desire, remove inner blocks that stand in the way of connection, clarity, commitment and compassion, supporting them to reach their souls potential.

This package includes 15 x 1-hour sessions including follow-up between sessions. 

The GOLD package also includes: FREE ACCESS to the Self-Paced Mindfulness & Compassion Programme. Further supporting you on your journey to self-discovery, wholeness and happiness. 

Email i[email protected] to book a free 15-minute discovery call to assess your needs and areas of interest for change and development.

Coaching Package

  • 01

    Welcome to this Soulful Coaching Package

    • A message from Sue your coach

    • Before we begin...

  • 02

    Next steps

    • Before you go...